EGMUS – Plenary meeting in Bucharest, Romania 2019


Members of the European Group for Museum Statistics (EGMUS) gathered at the annual plenary meeting held at the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training in Bucharest (Institutul Național pentru Cercetare și Formare Culturală - INCFC), 23-24 October 2019. Experts from 15 countries and two representatives from Eurostat attended the meeting, with the Museum Documentation Center participating as a member of the EGMUS Core group.

The report from the ICOM General Assembly in Kyoto in September 2019 was presented with emphasis on the topic of the proposal for ICOM’s museum definition following the postponement of the vote on the new museum definition.

National reports focused on the central theme of this year’s meeting which was the use of big data for the purpose of (compiling) museum statistics. Also discussed were the ongoing projects: the development of the new template for national reports and the current state of ISO/NP 21246 standard (Key indicators for museums). (Tea Rihtar Jurić)



Suay Aksoy: New challenges facing museums

We are proud to announce that the President of ICOM, Suay Aksoy will be our keynote speaker at the panel discussion “International Museum Day - New challenges facing museums” that will be held at Mimara Museum in Zagreb on Monday, 20 May 2019, at 11:00 CEST.

Mrs. Aksoy is going to present the ICOM’s effort in drafting both UNESCO’s Recommendation concerning the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, their Diversity and their Role in Society, and the OECD’s Guide for Local Governments, Communities, and Museums. One of the topics of the panel will also be the new museum definition that is being drafted for the 25th ICOM General Conference in Kyoto because the current one, which has only seen minor adjustments over the past few decades, does not reflect and express adequately the complexities of the 21stcentury and the current responsibilities and commitments of museums, nor their challenges and visions for the future.

The panel will be participatory and will address some of the changes and challenges affecting the museum profession in Croatia and across the globe. Representatives from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, ICOM Croatia, ICOM SEE, and the Museum Documentation Center will also take part in the discussion.

This event is organized by ICOM Croatia, ICOM SEE, and the Museum Documentation Center as part of International Museum Day 2019.



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