The Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality


As one of the most ambitious and complex exhibitions of 2018, The Sixties in Croatia – Myth and Reality held at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb (26 April – 30 September 2018) attempted to shed light on a decade as equally exciting and revolutionary in Croatia as it was in many parts of the Western world displaying more than 1.000 objects. Croatia was at that time part of the Socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia which during the 1960s enjoyed a high degree of liberalization and an economy characterized by market socialist elements. The benefits could be seen in art and popular culture as well.

This comprehensive monograph published in English contains 448 pages and is structured in the same manner as the exhibition, examining the development of various segments of Croatian culture across the decade. A broader historical and socio-political context is provided stretching the limits of the decade from 1958 to 1971. Illustrated texts are written by the authors of the exhibition and cover the topics of visual arts (including painting, sculpture, new artistic practices, and monuments), design, architecture, theatre, photography, cinematography, literature, music, dance, fashion, pop culture, and so on.

You can read extracts from the monograph here.


A History of Museology - Key authors of museological theory


ICOFOM, the International Committee for Museology has published A History of Museology - Key Authors of Museological Theory, the result of a five-year project led by its Vice President, Bruno Brulon Soares.

This first volume on the history of museology an important publication in series of ICOFOM monographs, launched in 2017 was printed at the occasion of the International symposium Écrire l’histoire des musées à travers celle de ses acteurs : Enjeux et responsabilités de l’histoire biographique, held in Paris on June 5-6th 2019 at La Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Among eighteen key authors of the museological theory, two Croatian museologists joined the ‘ICOFOM family’ after 1985 - Ivo Maroević and Tomislav Šola, director of the Museum Documentation Center from 1981 to 1987.

To download the publication click here.



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