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Personal Archive of Distinguished Curators of the MDC features all the important museum workers and art historians who—with their efforts, work, expertise, knowledge, with their museum and cultural programs, with their successes at home and abroadhave enriched the museum and cultural history of Croatia.

The data on life and work of distinguished museum personnel in Croatia, linked with the Register of Museums, Collections, and Galleries of Croatia as well as with the MDC's Library, makes research work much simpler. It enables the creation of individual or collective bibliographies of museologists, as well as monographs of museum institutions or personnel, documentary programs for radio and television, and alike.

Data from the Personal Archive can be used for museological purposes to highlight the roles of each distinguished museologist in the development of the cultural atmosphere and the preservation of the lasting values of the intangible cultural heritage.

Branka Nedved

Ustanova Arheološki muzej Zadar, Archaeological Museum Zadar

Alma Orlić

Ustanova Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Restauratorski zavod JAZU (HAZU), Restoration Institute of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (now Croatian)

Goroslav Oštrić

Ustanova Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka, Maritime and History Museum of the Hrvatsko primorje Region

Olga Oštrić

Ustanova Etnografski muzej Zagreb, Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Narodni muzej Zadar, Zadar Regional Museum

Antonio Pauletich

Ustanova Zavičajni muzej grada Rovinja, Rovinj Local History Museum

Vladimira Pavić

Ustanova Muzejski dokumentacijski centar, Museum Documentation Centre, Muzej Međimurja Čakovec, Međimurje Regional Museum in Čakovec, Samoborski muzej, Samobor Museum

Zagorka Pavlović

Ustanova Gradski muzej Nova Gradiška, Nova Gradiška Municipal Museum, Narodno sveučilište "A. M. Relković" Nova Gradiška, A. M. Relković Adult Education Institute, Nova Gradiska

Sofija Petricioli

Ustanova Narodni muzej Zadar, Zadar Regional Museum

Smiljana Petr-Marčec

Ustanova Muzej Međimurja Čakovec, Međimurje Regional Museum in Cakovec, Muzej prehrane "Podravka", The Podravka Museum of Nutrition, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj, Slovenija,

Nada Premerl

Ustanova Muzej grada Zagreba, Zagreb Municipal Museum

Boris Prister

Ustanova Hrvatski povijesni muzej, Croatian History Museum

Guido Quien

Ustanova Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Fundacija Ivana Meštrovića - Galerija Ivana Meštrovića, Ivan Meštrović Foundation - Ivan Meštrovic Gallery, Fundacija Ivana Meštrovića - Atelijer Meštrović, Ivan Meštrović Foundation - Ivan Meštrović Atelier

Jelka Radauš-Ribarić

Ustanova Etnografski muzej Zagreb, Ethnographic Museum Zagreb

Mladen Radić

Ustanova Muzej Slavonije, Museum of Slavonia

Jakov Radovčić

Ustanova HAZU, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Croatian Natural History Museum

Ljubica Ramušćak

Ustanova Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, Muzej Međimurja Čakovec, Međimurje Regional Museum in Čakovec

Mirjana Randić

Ustanova Etnografski muzej Zagreb, Ethnographic Museum Zagreb

Ante Rendić-Miočević

Ustanova Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Arheološki muzej Split, Arcaheological Museum Split

Anica Ribičić-Županić

Ustanova VII. gimnaziji u Zagrebu, 7th High School, Zagreb, Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Institute for the History of Art, Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Centar za istraživanje migracija, Zagreb University - Centre for Migration Research...

Zdenko Rus

Ustanova Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb, Moderna galerija, Gallery of Modern Art