In order to make our editorial work easier, we request that you follow the following instructions.

  • We kindly ask you to send texts to the Editorial Office of the Museology periodical in one copy, on CD-ROM or on a diskette and a hard copy on A4-size paper.
  • All contributions must be written on a computer, in some form of MS Word, saved in MS Word document file (**.doc or **.rtf). The printed version and the file must be identical.
  • The font size is 12, with 1.5 line spacing.

technical instructions for writing contributions

  • The information about the author needs to contain the name and surname of the author, the name of the institution, city, professional degree and e-mail address.
  • Titles of books and periodicals need to be in italics.
  • Photographs, tables and graphical illustrations can be used to illustrate texts. They should be delivered separately from the text.
    Photographs can be in black and white, in colour or in a digital format (jpeg or gif).
  • Photographs tables and illustrations need to be numbered and have written captions.
  • Notes (endnotes) should be numbered in a continuous sequence from 1 onwards, and appear after the text of the article or on a separate page.


rights and obligations

  • The editorial staff reserves the right to select articles for publication.


Contributions should be sent by mail to the MDC address, handed in personally, sent by email to the address of the editor, Maja Kocijan: or sent to the editorial office address:

Muzejski dokumentacijski centar
"za časopis Muzeologija"
Ilica 44

T: + 385 01 48 47 894
F: + 385 01 48 47 913