Heritage treasure troves (2022)

The third in the series of virtual exhibitions of photographic slides of Tomislav Šola features 47 images of museum buildings and heritage sites from all over the world.  >>>


City in a Museum of Memories (2021)

City in a Museum of Memories presents street scenes from Milan, Comacchi, Paris, Barcelona, Cuenca, Belfast, Brno, Antwerp, Thessaloniki, Zagreb, Mexico City, Puebla, Montreal, Gatineau, Boston, and a fictional city street at Disneyland in Anaheim among them. The virtual exhibition, with the help of Google Street View, allows before and after comparison. In addition, the viewer can "step out" of the frame and walk around, follow the imaginary steps of the author and guess which path he was taking, where he might have stopped and what he visited. This way the viewer creates the course of the story. >>>


Spirit of Place (2020)

Spirit of Place presents 39 digitized photographic slides recorded throughout Europe, Mexico, the United States, Canada, and India. They show museums—their exteriors, interiors, permanent and temporary exhibitionsas well as other heritage sites and interesting details. The virtual exhibition is curated by Zrinka Marković.  >>>