
Jubilee 10th edition of MUVI: museums – video – film starts soon

The museum film festival MUVI 10 / 2024: museums – video – film and MUVI LAB / 2024: festival of multimedia and web projects, organized by the Museum Documentation Center, will take place online on December 9 and 10, 2024. Both festivals will feature around 50 film and multimedia works that promote the rich Croatian cultural heritage with different genres and techniques. They will also explore the possibilities of new media in the promotion of museum content and research and documentation of museum collections.

The first day kicks off with the screening part of the program which brings a wide range of museum content and protagonists. The program is divided into seven sections: About Museums; Museum Collections and Museum Objects; Exhibitions / Workshops & Research; Art Research; Ethnological Research; Protection; Animation and Museums.

On the second day of the event, the MUVI LAB / 2024 festival is bringing together the authors of 14 innovative multimedia projects who will present the latest achievements in the field of visual communication and their application in the development of permanent displays, temporary exhibitions, and websites.

Round tables will be held on both days as a special part of the 10th-anniversary program. The invited museum experts will look back on their work on the presentation of multimedia and web projects over the past two decades discussing possible issues or improvements.

Program (21,7 MB)

MUVI 10 / 2024: museums – video – film (December 9, 2024)
Meeting ID: 894 2900 1691
Passcode: 145680

MUVI LAB / 2024: festival of multimedia and web projects (December 10, 2024)
Meeting ID: 828 1671 3965
Passcode: 413846



Pilot Project to Determine the Origin of Museum Objects Confiscated During and After WWII – Results of the First Year of Research

The participants of the ongoing Pilot Project to Determine the Origin of Museum Objects Seized During and After the Second World War launched by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, will present the results of their research at the scientific and professional meeting which will be held on April 23, 2024, at the Library of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb.

The meeting is co-organized by the Museum Documentation Center and the Croatian Science Foundation, and co-financed by the latter within the project Provenance Research on Artworks in Zagreb Collections (ZagArtColl_ProResearch, 2021 - 2024), carried out at the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Program (in Croatian)



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