Informatica Museologica is the only museological periodical in Croatia that has been published continuously since 1970 covering museum activities, reflecting the role and vision of the museum community, and representing the voice of museum professionals that today shape the varied contemporary museum and cultural context.

The periodical features topics from museum theory and practice. Its content includes contributions, research, reviews of exhibitions, reviews of museum publications, reviews from conferences, and information about an experience from Croatia and abroad. Apart from experts from MDC, numerous experts from Croatia and abroad contribute to the Informatica Museologica. Its target audience is museum professionals, students, collectors, and other interested readership. 

The aim is to make the journal an open forum for diverse knowledge, experience, concepts, and contemporary thinking, as well as to promote various forms of professional and scholarly research in museums.

It is published once per year with a print run of 300 copies in Croatian, with summaries in English

For free access to back issues of Informatica Museologica go to Hrčak - portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Editor-in-chief: Lada Dražin-Trbuljak